Sunday, September 5, 2010

Spring 2012: Becker #2

Spring 2012: Dylan Becker is 82, Jason and Laura Becker are 62.

Phone.jpg Jason: My Mum has spend a lot of time lately on the phone with her grand kids. She loves to know what's going on in there lives and I'm sure that they tell her stuff that they won't tell anyone else.

Pool.jpg It's nice to spend the evenings playing pool with Laura and my Mum. It was one of the best things we ever did to build the games room.

Sarah.jpgOne weekend Sarah came over to visit with Molly. Korey was busy with work.

Molly.jpg Mum loves spending time with Molly, she's the only grandchild left that hasn't fully grown up yet.

Fun.jpg Molly loves spending time with her grandmother, she really is the only one that will still play silly games with her.

FamilyDinner.jpg Korey did manage to make it for dinner later. I really should have Sarah and the family over more often.

Diana.jpg Diana has always had a close relationship with her grandmother. When she was home for a weekend she came over to visit.PillowFight.jpg I guess my Mum really is still a kid at heart, I don't think anyone else can get Diana to have pillow fights anymore but her.

Passing.jpg That night when Diana was over ended up being very sad, My Mum passed away that night. I think she knew it was coming as she had spoken with all of her grandchildren, if not seen them all that week.

Sad.jpg Laura is trying to keep going as normal but I will often break down. I'm really going to miss having my Mum around.


jungfrun68 said...

Aww, it was so sweet with the calls and dinner with the family before the passing

ciyrose said...

awww....that was sweet and sad at the same time. I'm glad many of the grand-kids were able to talk to her and see her first.