Friday, June 8, 2012

October 2013: St Julian

October 2013:  Bailey Nova and Juan St Julian are 24.

Bailey: Juan and I have finally had break in our careers. I now work at a restaurant in the kitchen and Juan is working for a software development firm. With our new jobs we can now afford a bigger apartment on the north side of downtown Chantilly.

 Juan is working on a new video game and I'm always happy to help him test it out at home.

With the new place comes a much nicer and bigger kitchen so I have been working on my own recipes and hopefully at some point I will be able to show the head Chef what I can do.  Juan is always happy to be a guinea pig.

 Not everything is perfect at the new apartment, one of their neighbors is a little too friendly with me.

 We are able to afford a lot more nights out if we ever have a night off together.

I didn't think we would be able to enjoy the outdoor pool and patio until the spring but October turned out to be a very warm one.


ciyrose said...

The apartment looks nice. Darn those too friendly neighbors. lol

jungfrun68 said...

Love that kitchen that even matches her clothes!