Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Spring 2012: Sim State University

Fall 2011: Miriam Nova, Justin Flylar, Loren Becker, Frederick Becker are 20, Brandon Becker, Tamara Newson and Diana Lind are 19.

Piano.jpg Frederick would spend a lot of his time along playing the piano.

Hanging out.jpg He was beginning to spend a bit more time with some of the guys in the dorm.

Swim.jpg Tamara was overjoyed the first day that was warm enough to go swimming in the outdoor pool.

Chess.jpg She did spend a lot of time playing chess, usually on her own but sometimes others would play her.

Talk with Diana.jpg Frederick found himself calling Diana a lot just to talk. He was beginning to realize that he really wanted a second chance with her no matter how long it took.

Phone.jpg Tamara spent a lot of time on the phone too. Mostly talking to Jacob.

Weekend.jpg Tamara looked forward to the few weekends that Jacob would come to see her. They would spend those weekends locked in Tamara's dorm room with a few breaks for food.


Walks.jpg Miriam and Justin would take advantage of the warmer spring weather and go for walks every chance they got.

Mornings.jpg Most mornings where pretty much the same, Justin reading the paper and Miriam working on her assignments.

Cleaning.jpg Miriam would do most of the cleaning around their apartment, especially the bathroom.

Date.jpg Justin decided they needed a night out and took Miriam on a date to a little cafe on campus.

Dinner.jpg They spend a long time waiting for the waitress to take their order but all she did was watch them drink their water. So much for a romantic date. They left the cafe and went back to their apartment.

Junck Food.jpg That night they had a dinner of junk food from the vending machine's in the lobby of their building.

Spying.jpg Miriam loves to spend hours looking through the telescope on the communal balcony. Especially during the day to spy on people.

TMI.jpg Sometimes Miriam see's things she really wishes that she hadn't. It doesn't stop her from watching people.

Term Papers.JPGSometimes it's just easier to go to the library to work on their term papers as they only have one computer that they always fight over at the apartment.


Park.jpg Loren and Brandon love to take walks at local park. There is also a really nice restaurant next to the park that they like to go to.

Date.jpg They go to this restaurant a lot on dates.

Cooking.jpg When they realize just how much they have spent on dinners out they start working together to make a few more of their meals at home.

Tutor.jpg Loren found her marks where slipping so she asked one of her prof's to come over and help her with her course work.

Study Session.jpg Brandon just like having someone from his classes over to study with, it would keep him more focused on his work.

1 comment:

jungfrun68 said...

Nice to see a little scenery. And lol at the day spying telescope picture! :)